Meet Carl Gustafson, PT, LAT, ATC, CSCS! Carl is an experienced PT and we're so happy to have his expertise at The Micheli Center. He currently treats patients of all activity, age, and ability in Norwood.
Name with credentials: Carl Gustafson, PT, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Hometown: Medfield, MA
Alma mater: Northeastern University
Favorite sports team: Patriots
Favorite place you’ve traveled to: Santorini, Greece
What drew you to The Micheli Center? Great people and great mentors!
How did you develop an interest in physical therapy? I injured myself in college lifting weights
What are small changes people could make that would have a large impact in their overall health? Maintaining muscle mass keeps your metabolism high
What is your preferred method of exercise, either a certain activity or specific regimen? 3 days lifting, 5 days aerobic activity per week
Favorite motivational/inspirational quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Ghandi
Favorite pizza topping: Barbecue chicken
Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate