How do Gloria and Joanne stay steady on their feet and strong enough to carry their shopping bags? They come in to train once a week with Sara Collins. These 83 and 87 year old Waltham sisters have been training here for about a year and a half now and noticed a difference in their strength and stamina almost immediately.
Since training with Sara, they both agree that the biggest improvement has been in their walking. She is careful to add appropriate modifications to certain exercises and tries to switch up their routine with each visit. In turn, the ladies will be sure to inform Sara if they don’t want to do something and are keen at keeping an eye on the time. But Sara is always watching and counting the reps. It’s a perfectly melded relationship on the gym floor.
The truth is, Gloria and Joanne admit that they feel a change if they miss a week with Sara. If it’s due to inclement weather or trying to align their busy schedules, just one missed session will be obvious the next time they are training. Everything will be slightly slower and harder until they develop their momentum again. But, they keep at it! They are always laughing and joking even though they sometimes give Sara a hard time about their exercises. Regardless of how much time is lost, Gloria and Joanne still want to stay active and stress how important this one hour per week session is to their health. When asked why they work out here with Sara the answer was a resounding, “To stay active.” and “Keeps us moving.”
“She really makes it fun. Everyone here is polite, nice, and friendly. It’s a good place to be. It keeps us going.”
What other things do Gloria (mother of 6, grandmother of 12, great-grandmother of 3) and Joanne (mother of 5, grandmother of 3, great-grandmother of 1) enjoy? Their weekly lunch dates with friends, shopping at Trader Joe’s, and baking (often times bringing treats in for us!). “We cook once in a while but bake every day.”
Besides adding TMC to their week, Joanne and Gloria keep active and busy by exercising for an additional hour per week, walking in the grocery or department store, and enjoying daily lunches.